Saturday, May 12, 2007

Here we go..

Hmm, I'm surprised I managed to get this URL since I'm not the only clayts in the world, coupled with the fact that blogspot's been around for about a century, haha.. guess the rest of my posts will be the same as my friendster blog ones, plus it's prolly easier to keep in touch with buddies like teng, eva and phoebes, etc.. let's start with my latest from friendster (pls refer to following post).



Eva S. said...

yeah... definitely it's easier for me to at least know what's happening in your life... Friendster now no fun anymore I rarely login also...

Keep writing yeah...^^

Clayts said...

lol, remember that i did mention i won't be writing about my daily life, but i'll be more than happy to respond to any comments when i can ;) yea la most of u dun go friendster anymore, except sharon..
